Are Anti-Biotics and Antacids Contributing to Depression? My Gut Tells Me Yes

First let me start off topic – I just finished listening to a great interview on Coast to Coast AM with the director of Food Matters and natural health evangelist Daniel Vitalis. Great stuff, and highly recommended. One of the key things Vitalis said when asked “What isTHE most unhealthy food someone can eat?” was just how absolutely terrible everything about basic vegetable spread/margarine is – and I completely agree.

Charged Life offers some great stuff from Daniel’s company SURTHRIVAL, my favorite being the liquid chaga and reishi mushroom extracts, mixed with organic vanilla bean. One of the coolest things I’ve learned from this camp is about foods that restore balance to your immune system. Did you know that personal testimonies show that to combat decades of allergies to bee or pine pollen may actually be to EAT the pollen local to your area?

Moving on…

DID YOU KNOW that the bacteria in your gut outnumber your actual body’s cells 10 to 1? Yes, it turns out that we are not nearly as independently functioning of a species as we think. We are living in a constant symbiotic relationship with tiny little helpers that we don’t even know are there. These little guys help digest a huge amount of the foods we eat.

Well get this – they also produce SEROTONIN. That feel good chemical that until recently we only knew the brain produced.

It’s true that your gut really is your second brain in more ways than one. There are all sorts of receptors and bodily functions that affect our decisions and moods that are interwoven with our digestive system.

So how do antibiotics affect this? Well, they take no sides in the germ-killing game, and obliterate BOTH the bad and good bacteria in the gut. This opens us up to relapses in infections of other kinds in the coming weeks, but now we know it affects us on a whole other level. Yup – if these helpful seratonin-producing bacteria are gone, then is it not possible that we may feel depleted of this “feel good” chemical?


Have you ever been given antibiotics by your doctor and told to take a good supply of probiotics to accompany the drug? I haven’t. But if you are taking antibiotics, and if you’ve EVER taken antibiotics, it is probably a very smart thing to make sure you’re taking probiotics at the same time. Who knows? Dare I say taking the probiotics in the first place may eliminate the need for antibiotics.

What are good probiotics?

– Charged Life’s products from Health Force contain some very high quality probiotics

– Fermented foods – Kim Chi, Sauer Kraut, etc.

– Kombucha – a naturally carbonated beverage

– Yogurt – I recommend coconut or almond over dairy, but if it’s dairy make sure it’s organic

The more I learn I am absolutely convinced that it should be REQUIRED for anyone studying psychology or psychiatry to study nutrition before being allowed to council people.

Do you know someone who’s been on a high dose of antibiotics who is also not feeling themselves? Is it possible they’ve never been told this information?

What about medical patients, ESPECIALLY cancer patients on MEGA doses of antibiotics to whom a positive mood is so important for recovery?

I took antibiotics as recently as a few short years ago, when I became prone to a relapse of strep throat about every 6 months. That was before I discovered a lot of this knowledge, as well as alkalizing, and I haven’t been sick from a virus or cold since, even when everyone else is getting the winter bug – or the convention bug, as I do a lot of trade show type events. It’s extremely LIBERATING to not have to worry about that anymore.

I can go on, but you get the general idea. I hope this has been enlightening and that it may have a positive impact. I recommend researching this on your own – there are many people much smarter than I fully immersed in the subject.

Similarly, antacids just totally disrupt your digestive system. If you have heart burn it’s likely because your stomach isn’t producing ENOUGH, or STRONG ENOUGH acid. The gases from all that food sloshing around are creeping up into your throat and causing a burning pain. A simple teaspoon or two of vinegar (such as apple cider vinegar) can immediately quell those pains, and also put your stomach digestion back in balance. It’s also likely that you ate processed food that your stomach isn’t able to digest properly, and you don’t want it going into your colon LESS digested that it should be. That’s what antacids do – they neutralize all of your stomach acid in hopes you’ll produce more, but by the time that happens food may begin to move into the small intestine.


A note on the Kombucha – I used to pay over $3 a bottle for this until I learned how to make it myself for less than 25¢ a glass. Maybe we’ll do a video some time.

IN CLOSING, it’s funny (in a nervous laughing kind of way) that as complicated as you want to make this stuff, if we just ate naturally like our species did for hundreds of thousands of years, this stuff is all just taken care of by mother nature and we don’t even have to think about it. Yeah, it’s nice not to have to run from hungry tigers, but what the previous century did to our health is becoming more dangerous than those predators. Unless we right the course, we’ll eventually get back to a 40 year lifespan where sickness begins at age 10 and takes 30 years to kill your off, vs. when you lived a fully healthy, vibrant life until a bear eats you on your 36th birthday. I’m not sure which is worse. It’s interesting to look at the past, to look at life-spans, and once you remove the physical threats and infant mortality, finding who actually died of disease or chronic ailments at an early age. Did anyone?


**BONUS – more on the digestive system**

So as years pass we are learning more and more about the importance of the digestive system, and KEEPING IT CLEAN. Here are some more reasons:

– Undigested food may become rancid or putrified in the 30+ feet of digestive track in our bodies

– Processed food (now shown on camera) does not digest nearly the same way as natural food during its entire journey through the stomach and colon

– Plaque may form, similar to how plaque forms in the arteries, that cakes the lining of your entire intestine, and suddenly the nutrients you DO eat can’t seep through and get into your body. Worse, toxins being dumped in from the liver may hang out in there and cause even more problems – many unsuspecting like acne, mental disorders, and disease.

– If stomach acids are trapped in the intestine too long because food isn’t moving through properly, they can burn little pouches, like the bubbling on a bicycle tire’s inner tube, and cause immense pain (Diverticulosis/Diverticulitis). The medical cure for this is to do surgery and CUT that part of the intenstine out, while putting the patient on a steady dose of … antacids and antibiotics.

– As much as 70% of migraine problems may be caused by these types of digestive issues. Yes, you may try a colon cleanse, as crazy as it may sound, and keep a journal/log of your migraine instances over the next couple months, and be surprised at what you find.

About joshblaylock

Entrepreneur & PopCultivator

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