Love Your Thyroid. Elminate Tummy Troubles. ANOTHER Reason to Avoid Fluoride

The first person to authorize dosing the public water supply with fluoride was Joseph Stalin, who liked its contribution to helping keep the public docile.

Since then this industrial waste/bi-product has been introduced into our municipal water as a ‘cavity fighter,’ even though the American Dental Association admits it not only does nothing to fight cavities, it can actually cause dental Fluorosis.

If possible links to Alzheimer’s, ADHD, dimentia, and a lower IQ aren’t enough to make one avoid this, I recently learned of the affect it has on iodine production in the body from a lecture by Dr. Jerry Tennant. I also therefore learned a lot about iodine I never knew, namely that it’s vital to any and every organ in your body that secretes ANYTHING. This is clearly and quickly explained in the video below.

The biggest problem a lack of iodine causes is the inability to secrete stomach acid [hence a rise in heart burn problems and insufficient break-down of food into nutrients] and a MAJOR affect on your thyroid. If you have a thyroid problem, it’s likely being aggravated heavily by fluoride consumption.

Most countries in Europe have banned the allowance of fluoride into their water supplies, and plenty never allowed it in the first place, but practically all of the United States is fluoridated. So why do we have this still going on today? There are many theories, but here’s a fact: when disposing of fluoride created in chemical or fertilizer manufacturing processes, companies are FINED to do so. Yet, when governments want to use it in the water supply, they can SELL it.

Processed SOY also contains a large amount of fluoride, so many vegetarians eating all those facon bacon type products are getting bombarded. [I don’t know if there’s actually any food copywritten as ‘facon bacon’, or if it contains soy]. The natural soy / edamame beans to my knowledge are very healthy and totally fine to consume.

I find it interesting that most toothpaste labels contain a warning stating to call the poison control center if you swallow more than a “pea size” of the substance, yet that is about the same amount of fluoride found in a glass of municipal tap water.

So how do we deal with this? Other than making this a political awareness issue, it’s very challenging. You can start with the obvious: switching your toothpaste to an all natural, non-fluoridated brand. Even when you purify your water at home the plants you eat, the bottled beverages you consume – almost anything that touches water in the manufacturing process – contains fluoridated water.  It’s extremely difficult to get fluoride out of water too. I have a 10 stage filter that still cannot claim to eliminate it, although it does eliminate chlorine and dozens of other nasty nasties. The only really true way to get rid of it is with a reverse-osmosis filtration system. Still, if you can do this, it can GREATLY improve your health.

One thing that can help in a big way is drinking reputable purified bottled water (preferably with minerals), but even better (and more environmentally friendly) is pure spring water. This is something that deserves its own blog post. I recommend created by Daniel Vitalis. If you live in the Chicago area there’s free spring water available right off of I-90 in Schiller Park.

The other is to make sure you’re consuming as much iodine as possible, like that found in high amounts in sea vegetables – like the nori wraps you get with sushi, and in kelp. Chlorella and Spirulina are also amazing superfoods that contain iodine. I’m on a mission now to study iodine supplementation methods, and will report back when I know more! If anyone has any information to contribute it’s very welcomed!

About joshblaylock

Entrepreneur & PopCultivator

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